Jam Packed – Top Panels

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In this one I decide to tackle the issue of the top panels. I made a couple of them, but I need to decide on some sort of paint/finish for them. I more or less came up with two options I like, a white one to match the case, and a titanium silver metallic paint that I think looks coo.

In this video I get a pair of the replacement top panels painted up, and try to figure out which one I’ll go with.

For the first top panel I went with a simple white. I painted all of it, top and bottom. This one had the magnets on the bottom, so I didn’t want to see those through the clear acrylic.

White painted top with smoked acrylic window

I had put a small bevel around both of these panels to match up with the top I/O panel better.

Little bevel for consistency

The second top was painted with a titanium metallic silver on just the back/bottom side of the panel. This one did not have magnets, so I could get away with playing with this idea.

Silver metallic looks nice too

This one also looks pretty good, and I do quite like it. I’m just not quite sure if it’s the right fit for this build or not.

I like the depth from painting the bottom

I think I’m leaning towards the white top panel at this point, but I haven’t completely decided yet. I could always paint other parts of the case to make it go a little bit better with the silver too, though. Another thing I’ll have to figure out and decide on down the road.

Thanks for reading along!

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