Jam Packed – Mounting GPUs Vertically

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With the radiator mounting situation figured out, the next thing I tackle is mounting the dual GPUs. I go through a couple of iterations and design tweaks to get to the right fit and finish. After that I will cut out the back of the chassis to be able to access the GPUs and talk about what’s next.

This video I’ll be looking at the dual vertical GPU mounting options, getting that mounted, the chassis cut open to access the GPUs, and a cover plate made.

This is a Stage 1 vertical GPU bracket made by my friend Bill at MNPCTech. This is sort of the starting point for designing my own.

MNPCTech Stage 1 bracket for inspiration and fitment test

I had thought about trying to mod my hardware to make both of them single slot so I could use that Stage 1 bracket, but it just didn’t really work out in the end. Instead, I wound up prototyping a bracket of my own out of some MDF to hold both GPUs in a 120mm fan location.

MDF is a great quick prototyping material

Without a slitting saw setup, I just used screws and washers to hold the bottom of the GPU slot covers in place. This seemed to work pretty well.

A recess and some hardware make quick work of holding the bottoms in place

After that MDF prototype it was time to make one out of acrylic.

Making a GPU bracket out of 1/2″ acrylic

I used threaded inserts for this one because I didn’t have a tap the right size.

Everything works pretty well with this one

That acrylic bracket worked out great, so I made one out of aluminum, which was going to be the final version.

The last iteration was in aluminum. I thought.

I trilled and tapped the holes for this one, after getting the correct sized taps.

Tapping for 6-32 screws

I’m still doing some learning with the CNC at this point, so the surface finish is not great… I’ll clean that up later.

Surface finish needs some work

This bracket works great, and it fits perfectly!

GTX 760s fit perfect with this bracket

This version of the bracket only works great for the GTX 760s. When I switched to using my Vega 56 Nano GPUs, they’re a little taller and this bracket made them stick out the top. Dang it!

Little too tall with the Vega 56 Nano GPUs

I did a slight redesign to drop the GPUs down a little bit, and then made a new one on the CNC.

Redesigned bracket to lower the GPUs 1/4″

The redesign was just enough to drop the top of the waterblocks down below the top of the case.

Just enough is still enough

I also made a cover plate to mount on the outside of the chassis once I get the vertical GPU mount installed.

Cover plate to cover the ugly

This will line up with the vertical bracket and make a nice finished look on the outside

Watch the video to see how I do the brushed look

The last thing I had to do was to cut out the raised mesh on the back of the case where the fan usually mounted, and then install this bracket. I think this will look quite nice.

Vertical bracket and cover plate installed in the case

Well that’s it for this one, got the GPU vertical mounting all figured out now. next thing I’ll have to tackle is figuring out how/where to install a reservoir and pump in this thing; stay tuned!

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