Jam Packed – Installing the Radiator

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After going through all the testing of hardware to see if a slim radiator would work (and it did), I decided that if I was going to do this mod, I’m going to go all the way with it. In this installment I will be working on getting my larger radiator fitting in to the case one way or another.

In this video I basically cut out the whole bottom panel of the case to make this thing fit.

I knew the slim GTS radiator would fit for sure, since I already used that one in the old not-really-modded setup. This is what that looked like.

The slim radiator fits with no issues

When I switched to the Vega 56 nano’s instead of the GTX 760s, although my testing indicated it would be fine, it just didn’t feel right. I felt like if I just went with the slim radiator I was selling myself short, and we just can’t have that.

The thicker radiator must fit…

So as per the video above, I cut a giant hole in the bottom of the chassis so I could fit the GTR radiator. With the fans attached to the radiator through the original base, this made barely enough room for the radiator to fit. I might have to zip off the bottom half of the PCIe card retainer mechanism, as that may hit, but it does fit!

Close but clear is good enough!

It may be a pretty tight fit, but it does fit! I don’t think I could make it work if it were any closer, so that’s good.

That concludes getting the radiator installed in here, next I’ll worry about getting the GPUs installed.

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