Jam Packed – Radiator Fitment

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After working through the top window stuff in the last part, I will start working towards getting the radiator installed in the bottom of the chassis, and seeing how the hardware will fit.

In this video I go through a bunch of ideas around getting the radiator installed in this thing. I’ve got to maximize what I can, given I’ll be asking a single radiator to pull all the cooling duty of this setup.

Continuing where that video left off, I dove in to some testing to see if a regular 30mm thick radiator would be enough for what I’m trying to do.

The whole bench turned in to the test bench…

I went further and did some more testing with the bottom portion of the A1 in place, just to make sure that even with the fans in pull configuration and the base, it would be ok.

Testing in more “real world” configuration

The good news is that even with the bottom piece in place, I was able to run some benchmarks and Folding@Home to get some good heat going for a couple of hours. The 30mm radiator held its own and handled it just fine. So this at least means that if I do end up going with a slim radiator, it’s at least a somewhat viable option for this hardware setup.

I’ve been having a heck of a time with those 760s though. If I switch to the Vega Nano’s I’ve got, I’m not sure if this would be enough radiator for that.

I guess we’ll have to stay tuned to see what comes of it in the next one.

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