Turned Walnut Platter – How To (Video)

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After taking a platter turning class through my local woodturners association, I decided to get some Walnut off the shelf that I’ve had for a while. I bought it from a friend of my neighbor a little over a year and a half ago but had no real intentions for it when I did. I thought this might be a great opportunity to put it to good use. It was 6/4 and air dried, and I’ve still got a couple more pieces.

I got a slab off the shelf, marked out some rounds that would maximize the width of the slab, and started cutting them out. 3 of the 4 came out at about 11.5″ diameter, and the last one was 12″ diameter.

Without further elaboration, here is the video I put together on the process of turning the platters, the way I was taught at the class.

Just like the original platter I turned in the class, the diameter of this walnut platter is about 10-3/4″ and an overall height of 1-1/4″. There is a decorative bead around the edge of the rim, and the remainder of the rim is domed leading in to the dished out portion. Here we can see the two side by side

I like the light sapwood that remained on the two edges, and I got several comments from other woodworkers that liked it as well. Truthfully, though, that was mainly just because I made the largest platter I could out of the slab I had, by cutting the rounds so they were just up to the bark.

Here is a close up of the bead and the domed profile around the rim. I went with a slightly smaller bead on this one, and a slightly less pronounced dome shape leading in to the center dished area. Overall I like the slightly more elegant nature of this shape compared to the original.

The profile of the underside is very similar to the original as well. I didn’t really change anything with the proportions or shape of this one.

Lastly, I’ve got a stack of 3 more blanks cut up and ready to turn. I’ve got one already mounted on the face plate and on the lathe, just waiting to be completed.

I hope to get through my current projects of getting ready for a CNC demo for my small group through MN Woodworkers in the coming weeks, and then maybe I’ll turn another platter from this stack.

I’m also toying with the idea of trying out a live stream for turning one of them, which could be fun.

Anyway, thanks for checking it out!

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